What is
Freemasonry is not a religion, a political
organization, or a social club. It interfaces
with none of these, but has for its foundation
the basic principles of the Fatherhood of God
and the Brotherhood of Man. It believes in a
Supreme Being, the immortality of the soul, and
that the Holy Bible is the inestimable gift of
God to man as the rule and guide for his faith
and practice. It is a fraternity or brotherhood
pledged to the building of character -- thought,
words, motives and deeds being the materials
Freemasonry strives to teach man the duty he
owes to God, his country, his neighbor and
himself. It inculcates the practice of virtue
and morality in daily conduct, and conveys its
teachings through rites and symbols.
The Masonic Fraternity is in no sense an
insurance society; neither does it pays benefits
in case of sickness or death. In a correct or
broad sense, it is both educational and
charitable. It extends such assistance only as
it is willing and able to grant. It knowingly
admits none to membership except those who are
able to provide for themselves and those
dependent upon them.
Freemasonry teaches and gives opportunity to its
members to inculcate morality, honesty, and
integrity in all walks of life, and to worthy
members renders assistance to a limited extent.
It expects its members to obey the moral law and
to practice charity towards all mankind. It
believes its members should have a strong desire
to aid their fellow creatures. It has its own
laws, rules and regulations, and requires a
strict obedience thereto.
Freemasonry is not entered into through mere
curiosity, ambition for honors, or in hopes of
personal gain or advancement. Admission must not
be sought for mercenary or other unworthy
motives. The aim of the true Freemason is to
cultivate a brotherly feeling among men, and to
help, aid and assist whomsoever he can.
The right to petition for the degrees of Ancient
Craft Masonry is rarely denied any man, but this
right goes no further than granting the
privilege of petitioning, and all who petition
are not admitted. The Masonic fraternity wants
and welcomes only men of high character and
integrity, who should seek admission of their
own free will and accord. Should a petitioner be
accepted, he gets no more out of Masonry than he
puts into it, and for every benefit received a
member is expected to render some equivalent.

Petition for
membership to Laurel Lodge or any other New
Jersey Lodge